Trinny in Jozi

Posts Tagged ‘Not a baldy

Three good things that happened today

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1. I decided to go on holiday next week.
2. Not a baldy was blessed with its first comment by someone who is not personally known to me.
3. Going for a freebie dinner with the 618 massive tonight.

Written by Trinny

July 28, 2009 at 17.52

Family conversation XLIV

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T: Have you checked out my new blog yet?
Nim: Um, yes…
T: Did you like it?
Nim: Ja, it is, um, cool…
T: What is it about?
Nim: Your life in Dubai and shit?

If any of you are also still labouring under the misapprehension that my new blog is about my life in Dubai, you might want to click here… To Nim´s credit, he did like the new blog when I forcibly showed it to him, and is going to be our hair sharing man in the Eastern Cape.

Written by Trinny

July 26, 2009 at 19.22

Side projects

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Projects are attacking me from all sides. First of all I´m learning to dive; secondly I´m busy developing the pioneering hair sharing blog Not a baldy; and thirdly there´s the Infinite Summer project, which I alluded to in an earlier post, but haven´t yet had the time to engage fully with. Oh, and there´s another mini-project in sight, which I intend to launch on Saturday.

That said, I´m planning on having a relaxing weekend – one which shall be (relatively) alcohol* and Internet free. Dining at Amwaj with the Golden Sandpit Gang tomorrow evening, and then spending the night at the Shangri La in a Horizon Deluxe Room. I shall sleep peacefully on cotton sheets and feather pillows, with a huge double bed all to myself to sprawl out on. On the Friday I shall lounge by the swimming pool, sip a cocktail or two, and finally get properly stuck into Infinite Jest.

What are *you* up to this weekend?

* Well, at least I won´t be down the IV, as per usual for a Thursday evening.

Not a baldy dot com

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The face, and hair, of Not a BaldyActually, technically it´s not a baldy dot wordpress dot com, but that doesn´t sound quite so snappy. What on earth am I talking about?

Well, you know when you´re sitting around having one of the late night drunken conversations, and you come up with an amazing idea for a blog, and it´s going to be the biggest thing to hit the interweb since Vernon Koekemoer, and  you wake up the next morning and you´ve forgotten your idea or, more likely, you remember it and realise it´s kak or, even if it still seems supercool, you can´t be arsed to actually do it?

That happens to me all the time as well. But after we discovered the definitive cure for male pattern baldness while larking around in the Golden Sands laboratory last night, I realised it would be cruel not to share our knowledge with the rest of the world. Visit Not a baldy to find out more about our miracle solution!

Also, finally, I may just have hit on a concept that will bring me fame and fortune in the blogosphere. I mean, no one who isn´t my friend is ever really going to care about Trinny in Dubai. I still have high hopes for Mahendra´s ties, but until someone buys RK a television, or I move back home, it´s not gonna happen.

To make Not a baldy work, I´m gonna need your help. It´s all about sharing the hair, spreading the love, and getting the word out. First of all, check out the blog. Once you´ve composed yourself and got up off the floor after rolling around laughing, you can then become a Facebook fan and follow us on Twitter. Most of all, I need you to send visual evidence of your hair-sharing shenanigans to And get your friends to do the same. We´re gonna go viral, and you read it here first.