Trinny in Jozi

Posts Tagged ‘Vaduyz

Schlössle TV

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I am missing hanging out with the Cape Town literati, but there’s a theatre right next to my house, so I went to check it out.

Was tickled by Liechtenstein’s premier comedian, Mathias Ospelt, and friends. Their latest project is “Schlössle TV” – a mixture of British comedy and Candid Camera that features two hosts – with a dress sense worthy of Corné & Twakkie – presenting video clips.

Although it was in German – and dialect at that – I still found the show hilarious. My favourite clip was of an actor strutting around Vaduz city centre. He was accompanied by a princely bodyguard, who protected his royal personage, not with a weapon, but with an umbrella. (The weather is the biggest danger in Liechtenstein).

The clueless tourists all thought he was the real prince, and duly kissed his hand in obeisance. The more adventurous ones even had their picture taken with him. A princely addition to the family album indeed!