Trinny in Jozi

Schlössle TV

with 8 comments

I am missing hanging out with the Cape Town literati, but there’s a theatre right next to my house, so I went to check it out.

Was tickled by Liechtenstein’s premier comedian, Mathias Ospelt, and friends. Their latest project is “Schlössle TV” – a mixture of British comedy and Candid Camera that features two hosts – with a dress sense worthy of Corné & Twakkie – presenting video clips.

Although it was in German – and dialect at that – I still found the show hilarious. My favourite clip was of an actor strutting around Vaduz city centre. He was accompanied by a princely bodyguard, who protected his royal personage, not with a weapon, but with an umbrella. (The weather is the biggest danger in Liechtenstein).

The clueless tourists all thought he was the real prince, and duly kissed his hand in obeisance. The more adventurous ones even had their picture taken with him. A princely addition to the family album indeed!

8 Responses

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  1. I actually hung out with some of the Cape Town literati tonight… Emily and I went to watch The Boy Who Fell Off The Roof. I couldn’t stop thinking about you for various reasons. It was Juliet’s play with Alex, Franci and Frances acting in it and all set in Cape Town as you know. When I sat down I realised I was sitting next to Nikki Comninos! All so weird, a Cape Town gathering under the statue of Madiba.

    I noticed that you cooked for the Georgians the other night. Are they cool people? I’m not sure if you know that I’ve had this insatiable urge to go there since I was in school. So, I hope you continue to have many more fabulous dinners and when we set off on an adventure they return your fabulous hospitality!

    Speaking about dinners, I must send you a recipe I made the other night from a Madhur Jaffrey cook book. Its a bean dish – which is just my favorite food at the moment (other than salad, and alongside lentils and other pulses). Also my salad du-jour… Made entirely of pansies. They’re so beautiful and taste really good too! Add roasted pine nuts, some cherry tomatoes, perhaps a few scrapes of parmesan and finish with olive oil, apple cider vinegar, English mustard and perhaps a tiny bit of honey. SO good!


    October 2, 2007 at 21.59

  2. I’m so pleased liechtenstones have a good sense of humour.


    October 3, 2007 at 08.34

  3. Please do send bean recipe…

    Would love to make Pansy salad, but I don´t think it´s the right season for them here!

    Come visit and bring me some 😉


    October 3, 2007 at 09.14

  4. hello miss T

    have discovered your blog somehow (: hooray! it makes good reading…



    October 3, 2007 at 10.10

  5. Thanks V – am so excited! You are the first person whom I don´t know, but that I do know has read my blog 😉


    October 3, 2007 at 10.42

  6. Or perhaps I do know you? Will Facebook my hunch 😉


    October 3, 2007 at 10.45

  7. sounds awesome, I think you’re taking a great approach to living in a foreign country, lipstick and guts. let me know if mega doesn’t reply to your questions I’ll try to extract the info from him.



    October 3, 2007 at 11.34

  8. Thanks for the encouragement, Susan! Btw, I see you haven’t updated your blog for a while…


    December 28, 2008 at 19.57

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